Historical and current unemployment rate for Sharon, VT Windsor County. Search for local unemployment rates by address.
- Town of Sharon is a locality in Windsor County, Vermont.While many other municipalities assess property taxes on a county basis, Town of Sharon has its own tax assessor's office. If your property is located in a different Windsor County city or town, see that page to find your local tax assessor.
- Windsor County vital records from the last five (5) yearscan be found at the Vermont Office of Vital Records. There is a fee for each copy requested. There is a fee for each copy requested. Please refer to the information to the Statewide Vital Records in Vermont for current fees and application process.
- Joseph occupies one of his father's farms and acts as foreman at the H. Clark stock farm in Sharon; Katie is a teacher in the public schools of Windsor county; William, a resident of Middlesex, Vt., is engaged in railroad business; Ellen, wife of David Daly of St. Albans, Vt., and George, a resident of St. Albans, in the employ of the.
Brief History[edit | edit source]
The town of Sharon was chartered on August 17, 1761 and most likely named for Sharon, Connecticut, where most of the town's grantees and many of the subsequent settlers lived. In Biblical times Palestine's Plain of Sharon was celebrated for its fertility and as the place where the youth David tended his sheep. The name was as suitable for the new town in Vermont as it had been for the older town in Connecticut.
Sharon, VT was the birthplace of Joseph Smith, founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (the Mormons), for whom there is a monument in the town.[1][2]
Historical Data
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Town Histories[edit | edit source]
Vital Records
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FamilySearch Historical Records Collection has Vermont birth, death, and marriage records online.
Probate Records
[edit | edit source]
The probate district for Sharon is Hartford.
Hartford Probate Court
62 Pleasant Street
Woodstock, VT 05091
Phone: (802) 457-1503
City Directories
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Maps[edit | edit source]

The Family History Library has microfilm of maps & surveys of Sharon, Vermont, 1935-1973.
Cemeteries[edit | edit source]
The following is a list of cemeteries in present-day Sharon. For location of cemeteries, see Cemeteries of Vermont, Windsor County, website at this link.
- Alexander Cemetery - inscriptions at Find A Grave site.
- Babcock Cemetery- inscriptions at Find A Grave site.
- Broad Brook Cemetery - inscriptions at Find A Grave site.
- Day District Cemetery - inscriptions at Find A Grave site.
- Howe Hill Cemetery - inscriptions at Find A Grave site.
- Orange Avery - inscriptions at Find A Grave site.
- Pine Hill Cemetery (aka Sharon Village Cemetery) - inscriptions at Find A Grave site.

The Family History Library has microfilm of Sharon Cemetery inscriptions copied in the year 1919.
[edit | edit source]
1. Sharon Congregational Church
55 Vermont Route 132
P.O. Box 42
Sharon, VT 05065
Phone: (802) 763-2007
2. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
175 LDS Ln.
South Royalton, VT 05068
Phone: (802) 763-7784
Town Records[edit | edit source]
Digital images of Sharon Town records 1851-1997 are available online at FamilySearch.
The Family History Library has microfilm of original records from the Sharon Town Clerk's Office. These include Land records, 1761-1855, 1881,Land records, 1772-1906; general index to land records, 1772-1898, Town records, 1768-1943, and Records of births, marriages, and deaths, 1857-1997.
Sharon VT Town Clerk
69 Vermont Route 132
P.O. Box 250
Sharon, VT 05065
Phone:(802) 763-8268
Email: clerk@sharonvt.net
[edit | edit source]
Libraries and Historical Societies[edit | edit source]
Sharon Historical Society
PO Box 176
Sharon, VT 05065
Phone: (802) 763-8549
Contact: Mary Ayer, Vice President
Baxter Memorial Library
5114 Vermont Route14
Sharon VT 05065
Phone: (802) 763 2875
Email: baxterlibrarysharonvt@yahoo.com
Website: http://sharonvtlibrary.com/
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑History of the Town of Sharon, VT, http://sites.rootsweb.com/~vermont/WindsorSharon.html
- ↑Virtual Vermont, Sharon - http://www.virtualvermont.com/towns/sharon.html
Dating again near kittery menu. Adjacent towns:
Hookup County In Sharon Vt Zip

Welcome to Sharon a farm community of today still qualifies as a peaceful, rural small New England town. Nestled among the Vermont mountains, but still less than 1/2 mile from an interstate, that cuts across the state, Sharon retains its charm of days gone by. Also because of its proximity to larger Vermont and New Hampshire towns, Sharon has grown and has increased its population. A drive through the little town will instantly reflect this. |
Hookup County In Sharon Vt Real Estate
SHARON TODAY The Town Historian - Phyllis Potter - 802-763-7631 Town Clerk - Joanne Slater at the Municipal Building, Rte 132, Sharon, VT. Mail Address: P.O. Box 250, Sharon, VT 05065 Old Town Hall- This historic building got too small to handle the town meetings and other gatherings. Hence the Village meetings take place as the local school. This old Town Hall building is now deemed a historical building. It is a museum filled with collections of old items, pictures, tools, and artifacts a from a bygone era. The Town Libraryis on Rte 14 and that also has many reference volumes in which to research Sharon, it early history, residents, and records germane to the time. |
SHARON in the EARLY YEARS The beginning of Sharon was by a charter granted by Governor Benning Wentworth of New Hampshire on August 17, 1761. The charter was granted to John Taylor and associates who numbered sixty-two in all. The first proprietors meeting was held at Plainfield, New Hampshire on November 30, 1761 and Captain Timothy Wheeler was chosen moderator. The first meeting where town officers were chosen was held in Plainfield, NH on March 9, 1762, where they elected Captain Timothy Wheeler, moderator; Benjamin Spaulding, town clerk; Capt. Timothy Wheeler, Capt. James How and Daniel McKee; selectman; Capt. Timothy Wheeler, town treasurer; and Jonathan Parkhurst, collector. In November 1763 David Spaulding and Josiah Russell were chosen to lay out the lots for the new town. According to Aldrich the town records for the first few years of the town have been destroyed but it is believed that the first town meeting occurred in 1768 or 1769. In a meeting on March 12, 1770 the following officers were elected: William Hunter, moderator and town clerk; Joel Marsh, supervisor; William Hunter, Benjamin Spaulding and Robert Havens, assessors; William Hunter, treasurer; Simeon Howe, collector: Isaac Wheeler, Ebenezer Parkhurst and Robert Havens, overseers of highways; Joseph Parkhurst, overseer of poor; Joel Marsh, constable; Benjamin Spaulding, fence viewer; William Hunter, Benjamin Spaulding and Ebenezer Parkhurst, commissioners to lay out highways. The first setters to the area were Robert Havens, Isaac Marsh, Willard Shepard and a Mr. Parkhurst (either Joseph or Ebenezer), who came in 1764. The first male child born in town was Elias Marsh, son of Isaac, on March 25, 1768. Prominent families: Baldwin Family, William Howard Chillson, Edwin L. Day, Wheaton Drown, Amos Emery, Fay Family, Martin D. Follett, Isaac Holt, Joel Henry Marsh, Mosher Family, Lt. Joseph Parker, Walter Parkhurst, Colonel Moses Preston, William Quimby, Francis Shirlock, John Porter Smith, Josiah Walbridge, At a freeman's meeting held on March 3, 1778, the constitution of the State of Vermont was read and the following men took the freeman's oath: Joseph Barrett, Daniel Gilbert, Benjamin Spaulding, John Crery, William Hunter, Joseph Parkhurst, Stephen Powel, Elias Stevens, Ebenezer Parkhurst, Joel Marsh, Joseph Parkhurst, James Marsh and Reuben Parkhurst. In July 1778 the freeman's oath was taken by William Lovejoy, Moses Shepard, Isaac Wheeler, Jonathan Howe, Simeon Howe, Josiah Wheeler and John Parkhurst. |
Of interest to visitors and researchers alike, is the Joseph Smith Memorial Grounds. This is the site of his birthplace, the founder of the Church of the Latter Day Saints. This Church's Salt Lake City archives are the very foundation of genealogical records that we utilize. Just 6 miles outside of Sharon is this 200 acres of rolling hills affording beautiful vistas of the surrounding Vermont countyside. Joseph Smith was born 13 December 1805. It is also worth noting, an old family burying ground was not disturbed. It is on the grounds, and the 30-40 headstones are in very good condition dating back into the 1700's. They are all a part of the Dewey clan buried there. Free Guided Tours, (802) 763-7742. |
Hookup County In Sharon Vt Town Clerk
Comments or Questions Welcome This genealogy site copyrighted by Denise Perkins Ready 7-27-2002 |